Sunday, September 25, 2011

a moment to reflect

When I first started this blog (over 1 year ago!), I made it to capture the details about my 5 month trip around the world. My intent was that it would last as long as I was traveling.

But I never plan to stop traveling.

I don´t think I´ll be able to, one day, never feel the urge to go see Easter Island, or Antarctica or the great wall. This twitch, its a part of me.

So, for the smart people out there who have put two and two together, Im sure you understand what this means. And for those of you who need it spelled out, just in case there is any doubt, this blog is going to stay with me until I´m done traveling. Period.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Priya, reading your adventures has been amazing! I'm so excited for you. While we miss you in America I hope your travel blog lasts for many more years.
