Some of you may be wondering why I keep posting pictures from Nepal even though I left there a year ago...well, to be honest - its kinda fun for me to look back through my pictures! Enjoy!

Beautiful; simple and beautiful!
Eating Pizza with Alex. it was raining so hard outside. I was in Peter's sleeping bag the rest of the day
Alex in his sleeping bag. This was in fire and it was so cold!
Me attempting to sleep, but I knew someone was taking a picture! Tricksters...
My birthday night...beautiful. Full Moon and all

Day of the summit. I was so cold here. I believe my face was frozen in this position.
Kish with his family. so cute. I love Katmandhu.
Nathan (the guy in the middle of the heat); Kish (the left of the heart) and Sara (the right of the heart - Nathans wife!)
Yea, they make very inventive names for guesthouses in Nepal. Other names we saw: good view guesthouse; nice restaurant guest house and hilltop guesthouse
uh-oh! somethings gone wrong...
Nice View Guest House, beats "Decent Hotel" :D