Tacos! Pinto Gallo! Queso! Frutas! Arrrribbbaaa!
Now that you are in the central american mindset, let me tell you about whats been going on. I left LA at what felt like the butt crack of dawn to catch my flight to Mexico City. To be frank, I was nervous. I didn´t have a guide book, bought the flight 12 hours before it took off, don´t speak any spanish except for´sacapuntas´(pencil sharpner...what the hell?) and I had a layover in Mexico City for 10 hours.
I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Mexico, but it is one of the few countries I would NOT travel to alone, but to sit the in the airport for 7 hours? Absolutely not. So, I landed, sucked up my courage went out into the city. Wow. Im so happy I did it! There was a huge party in celebration of me! Aaaand of course when I try to upload my pictures, the computer won´t let me do so! I´m going to have to talk to the Devices and Networking team in Windows...
Anyway, I spent the day in Mexico and hopped on a flight down to San Jose. Got my ride to the hostel and passed out so quickly. I was exhausted. But to give you some impressions of Mexico and San Jose:
- Mexico: people like to dance and kids are running around everywhere; tacos are huge out there!; the people are super short; really not as dangerous as you would think;
- San Jose: I had to get the hell out of there, there was nothing to do in that town
And after spending only 1 day in a spanish speaking country, I can tell you this much: spanish is a love language. You have no idea how many ´mi amore´ or ´mamacita´ or ´bonita´ I heard and received! I think it might be time to learn spanish...
San Jose, I was finally there! Now just a 3.5 hour bus ride and I was at the beach! Manuel Antonio was where my mind was set. I hopped on the bus and got down to the beach, settled in at a hostel next to the National Park (with Tucans, sloths and monkeys!) and the next thing I knew I was having a heart to heart with a English girl from Birmingham. Traveling is so crazy; you meet people so fast and you connect with them so quickly and then its over in the length of time it takes to paint to dry. But the time you spend together is significant to say the least!
Her and I met some exchange students (from America) who were studying abroad in Costa Rica. We partied with them until around 1.00 AM in a local bar outside Manuel Antonio...I love exchange students. And the next day you won´t believe what happened...
But you´ll have to wait! Someone else needs the computer at this hostel. Glad to have you back my avid readers.